Driving past the local airport last night and talking on the cell I informed friend Aaron "you can relax (a little) the threat level is orange". Aaron said that the next version of threat levels should be designed by J Crew, then we could have the melon threat level or the aubergine threat level. Much more nuanced.
I figure that J Peterman could also work on a version.
Lowest "The threat level is silver like the jewelry at the Chiang Mai river market, displayed among the spices and fabrics."
Medium "The threat level is elevated, the color is beige but there are red dots in that beige. Those red dots are very small like lemur eyes or hummingbird hearts. But they make you take notice.
Highest "The Enterman's Shim Sham. Be very alert, do you know what happens to butter-based frosting after sitting 60 years in a poorly ventilated English basement?"
Update: Right on cue,Friday the 13th, Bruce Sterling posts next generation warning signs, including Memetic Hazard, and Existential threat.
This is a good time to mention the Jaquith's Hamster Wheel of Pain
This asks the question, beyond reporting how do you make all this data actionable?
Aubergine is much better than Salmon.
That hamster wheel of pain distills my experience into a simple diagram. So awesome! I will use the "laser printer" to make a "printout" of it.
- Aaron
Posted by: Aaron | October 18, 2006 at 10:08 AM