Robert Morris, Sr. gave a very interesting problem at Defcon a few years back, it describes very why the security technologies like network firewalls and SSL are insufficient by themselves, and in my view why we need technologies like Federation, SAML, Cardspace, WS-Security, and other tools to help us build what is required to operate in an increasingly malicious system.
"This is a long term problem. If you work on it and make any progress against it, you'll find yourself much smarter at the far end, than you were at the near end.When I was in Norway about 5 years ago, I was there very close to the summer solstice. I was wandering around town at 2 o'clock in the morning and there was plenty of light out. You come to a sign that says New Minsk about 60 km and it points south.
And I ask the lady "what country is this?"
She scratched her head for a bit, and said "well I think its Norway"
I said "well who plows the roads?"
"well Norway does, but he have to pay them."
There is a triple boundary in this town that I was in between Norway, Finland and Russia.
But what I did there, was, I had a card about wallet size, I stuck it into a machine, I punched in four digits, and it gave me about 2,000 krone, whatever the hell that is.
Now there are a lot of participants in that transaction. When I put a card into that machine, punch in a pin, and it gurgles for awhile, and finally gives me, a fairly large amount of money. There are a lot of participants in that transaction. The bank that owned the machine that gave me the money, it gave some money away -- that bank wants it back. The pin is necessary to convince my own bank that I'm me. But I don't want my pin to be broadcast all over the world. My bank in the us, it hasn't really given out or taken in any money, really. But there is a lot of credits involved here. Somebody needs to charge somebody else for having more money available. Even though there was actually no cash transfer.
And the problem that I have in mind is
- who are all the participants in an ATM transaction?
- what do those participants need to satisfy their problems?
- how is that in fact done?
In a general way, does the atm system actually work in some reasonable sense? To which the answer is by the way: yes. The atm system damn well works. With extremely high reliability and accuracy. It surprises me. Its quite a bit different than voting machines.
One part of the issue is that ATM network is more of a puzzle, while the web is a mystery. However, the real gap with firewalls and SSL is that they are all or nothing propositions. With netowrk firewalls you are supposedly "inside" the firewall, in the DMZ or "outside" the firewall. Yet we know that gajillions of transactions and attacks plow right through the firewall on a regular basis. With SSL, we are able to create confidential channel, but once that channel terminates, say at your load balancer or firewall, you have no way to guarantee any integrity or confidentiality for the transaction beyond the termination point. And you have no way to provide a security model that satisfies multiple parties in the context of a given transaction; this is what I find so interesting about what the WS-Trust standard provides. WS-Trust assumes that different token types (SAML, X.509, Kerberos) are desired at different endpoints and what we really need is a way to move them around in some standard way. It is partly an integration problem, and partly an interoperability problem. Call it SOA, call it REST, call it Web 2.0, call it eCommerce, callit whatever, this is a problem all technologies that engage in valuable transactions with multiple players need to solve. More thoughts on how are here.
Would you agree that enterprises need to go beyond just building better authentication mechanisms such as support for SAML and go deeper in terms of authorization? What would it take to get security folks to also add XACML to their list of frequently mentioned acroynms...
Posted by: James | January 10, 2007 at 07:02 AM
Very good questions, I added a post to address these points
Posted by: Gunnar | January 10, 2007 at 09:21 AM