Ok, he did not explicitly say that about Metricon. But, in his last book "Pattern Recognition", he did underscore our current information security dilemma:
“We have no future because our present is too volatile. We have only risk management. The spinning of the given moment's scenarios. Pattern recognition...”
Risk is the price we pay to move forward, innovate, and grow the enterprise. Risk management is different from the standard "its perfect or its broken and I can't help you unless you follow everything in the 137 page policy manual" mentality that most IT security groups attempt to govern by.
Stepping into a risk management mindset is accepting there are going to be tradeoffs and then the queston becomes how to reason about these tradeoffs. Well today we mainly use axioms and "best" practices, for example gems like inside firewall = good, outside firewall = bad. (I am three years behind on patches on the Oracle system that has all our customer data, but its inside the firewall).
In trying to find better ways to reason about the tradeoffs and measure the efficacy over time, look to security metrics to objectively illustrate your system's capabilities. Use numbers and measurements to add weight to and to challenge existing axioms to see if the assumptions that were made actually hold up.
This is what we'll explore in the collaborative workshop Metricon, held in conjunction with Usenix security conference in Boston, August 7. There is limited time to register, so if you are interested in attending, do it soon.
(Since I took Mr. Gibson's name in vain, I should mention he has a new book coming out - "Spook Country" which I am excited to read)