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Dave Tauzell

I think that in most J2EE environments databases pose an even greater problem. They are typically secured via username/password, however, this username and password is often available to the application server in clear text. What makes access to the database worse than MQ is that there is a standard way to query and modify the data.


Hi Dave,

there are a lot of holes, the difference as I see it is - databases run applications and departments.

Mainframes run businesses.

Jim Manico

I think you hit the bulls-eye with this post.

Your post is reminiscent of the fatal flaw within the PCI-DSS standard, in that it is acceptable to transmit credit card data inside of a corporate network in plaintext - the only transport security requirement involves credit card data being transmitted into the cloud. Crazy.

I would also like to say that IBM is not to blame - the problem is with the implementation - you can run MQ with strong transport security, auth and access control. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/0806_mismes/0806_mismes.html

Marinus van Aswegen

Hard crusty outside, soft chewy center :)


The biggest issue i believe was the middleware authorization and authentication. Within MQ whatever you implement access control to Mainframe(actually this is not mean direct conection , you need some client like entireX) the user that authenticate over backend system is always the same. At that point JAVA2 security become more preventive..

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