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Yes, indeed, all the good ideas are done :)

Seriously though, it does seem a little like that. I think this is normal in a mature industry, we move from revolution to innovation.

The last "wow" product I recall was Napster. I think every Wow I know of has been the 1990s. These days, most of the big successes are about taking an already solid product and commercialising them properly. Business + tech.



I'm writing to you to know if by any chance you would be interested in doing an unbiased review of our site on your blog http://1raindrop.typepad.com/1_raindrop/

Here is some information about the site -
The site brings in the beauty of Asian furniture to countries worldwide for all to enjoy.

They sell original collection of handmade, affordable solid-wood furniture made by manufacturers in Indonesia.

Everyone looks to east for more exotic inspiration, top-quality design, craftsmanship and materials, and hand made designs exclusively for themselves. Rather than pigeon-hole into a specific style, the site offers the flexibility to mix and match individual products to beautiful effect. Their tranquil stores are styled to give a sense of how the furniture works in real homes, have a welcoming, one-off feel. Since everyone knows how frustrating it is to wait months for something you've fallen in love with, they try their best to deliver within two to three weeks.

Click on the link to see a snapshot of the website -

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Please let me know if you are interested.

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