From "Threats in the Age of Obama", I really enjoyed Bob Gourley's spin on applying the Law of the Rodeo to Infosec:
So is is possible to engineer perfectly secure systems? Consider the law of the rodeo: "There's not a horse that's never been rode, and not a rider that's never been throwed." I like the analogy since it reminds us that all computer evil can be mitigated. But it always fights back. Good and evil will continue a fast paced rodeo dance long into the future.
To engineer secure systems for the future we need to continually assess where we are and what the near term future holds for our technologies.
Gunnar, thanks for spreading the word and expanding on these concepts. These are some tough issues we all need to come to grips with and figure out and your insights are much appreciated.
Posted by: Bob Gourley | March 31, 2009 at 10:21 PM