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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6NpHbMFaQ8 Watch 32:00 mins in

Daniel Miessler

I think you're exactly correct about this.

It's also the reason that Google is so afraid of Facebook, as I talk about here:

Essentially, replacing Google is easy for someone because you search and you leave.

Facebook on the other hand is designed to be where you hang out. So if you could search from there it'd be devastating to Google.

Google doesn't have that pivot, and they know that.


@jcran - thanks for posting, that is an interesting discussion, and I think a good depiction of the main bull case for Twitter - closed loop ad system with location. I do not doubt that someone will do this and generate excellent returns

However, Twitter has not done this yet. They have some and maybe the most capabilities to pull it off, but I still wonder on stickiness. What would it really take to switch? Not much as far as I can tell.

I know people said the same thing about Facebook (MySpace) but every day that someone doesn't switch off of Facebook, their moat gets wider - more memories, pics, are uploaded.

Twitter's moat is more or less static, large user base, cool platform, but nothing that would be too terribly hard to a) leave behind and b) recreate on a new platform.

Daniel's post (below yours) has some interesting insight on Google is scared of Facebook, they could not take them out with Google+, I wonder if they chose the wrong target, it seems way easier to try and take out Twitter.

Also, the points raised by the VC in the video you linked, around closed loop, if they pull that off that is great - but its great for investors and advertisers. It does nothing to strengthen the stickiness from the user standpoint and could very easily make it worse. So it still does not address the keypoint.

None of this is to say they can't or won't pull it off, they created the space and it may be they run the table from here on out, just saying that it looks to me like Facebook has a relatively wider moat.

@Daniel - really interesting post, thanks for linking,

"When you search for books, you may get Amazon results, but included will be a list of your friends who also read the book, or are currently reading it. Want to chat with them real quick about it? Well it turns out Facebook is good at that."

we may be seeing the next stage play out on mobile right now

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